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S.E. Asia Wintermester

Service Learning in Southeast Asia

Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam


Estimated dates: December 26, 2018 - January 19, 2019

BIT 3954 

Three credit hours

Application Deadline:  October 1, 2018

The Program has two parts: service learning and culture/history.

The service learning piece is managed by Peacework, a Blacksburg company. The program includes service learning with farmers, cooperatives, students and families in Can Tho, Vietnam located in the Mekong River delta. Cultural and historic activities included in the course take place in Hanoi and Ho Chi Mihn City (Siagon), Vietnam; Siem Reap, Cambodia (Angkor War Temple); and Phuket, Thailand. The three contries of Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam are referred to as SE Asia in the program documents. 

A Virginia Tech-Can Tho University partnership with farming cooperatives and biogas digester buildings will open numerous opportunities for cross cultural collaboration which exposes students on both sides to a new language and culture. Virginia Tech students will gain a deeper understanding of the cooperative structure in Vietnam as well as alternative sources of clean energy. On a deeper level, students will understand new ways to be ingenious and efficiently utilize the skills and resources availale to them. Bringing each of these pieces together sets up a platform for leadership growth and unique problem solving

The Program has the following components:

  • Service learning work with farmers in Can Tho, Vietnam
  • Computer education with rice co-op managers
  • Bio-gas system construction
  • Cultural and historic visits in Saigo, Can Tho, Hanoi, Siem Reap and Phuket
  • Working with students from Can Tho university on service learning work

After completion of the program, you should be able to:

  • Speak key Vietnamese phrases
  • Teach computer skills to local people
  • Work with Can Tho University students to perform project tasks 
  • Describe rice growing and processing
  • Explain how bio-digesters work and are constructed 
  • Describe the historic and cultural sites we visit

Brochure: Click here!

Undergraduates will receive credit for BIT 3954 and graduate students for BIT 5954 Study Abroad. This course can also be substituted for the Area 7 requirement. These credits count as elective credits and help to complete the requirements of Pamplin’s International Business Minor.

Students must keep a journal and record their observations on cultural differences, exchange rates, and other items you find to be of interest. While there will be considerable flexibility in the journal reuirements, they must reflect significant detail and professional writing. Students must write a 5-page reflection paper on their experiences after the trip. Participation in all activities of the program is required.


Each student must have a valid passport from their home country. You can apply for a passport in Squires Student Center.

Check with your family physician or country health department to see if you need vaccinations.

These sites have additional information:


Do not try to take your entire wardrobe with you. You may bring a 22” (carry-on size) suitcase or medium-size backpack. This is the standard size bag for short study abroad programs. You will check the bag for the flight. The airlines limit the weight of your luggage so pack light. The suggested packing list will help you choose what to take.

Travel: Tentative Itnerary

This itinerary is subject to change. This schedule allows the flexibility of adding cultural exursion trips on the front and back end of the project. Below is a proposal of the section of the program that Peacework would manage. 

Day 1

Flight form Hanoi to Can Tho Airport. Airport pickup and transportation to accommodations

Peacework Orientation

Day 2-3

Onsite Project Preparation

Project Orientation and introduction to College of Rural Development 

Orientation to local community, culture, language, and project site

Team-building activity with Can Tho University studnet volunteers

Lectures and visits to learn about agricultural production and cooperative models in Vietnam and Mekong Delta

Day 4

Biogas Project

Visit/Lecture to learn aboout biogas-digester system

Biogas-digester building for local farmer families

Day 5

Information Management Project

Meeting with local cooperative managers to examine their information management needs

Team meeting to design customizable Excel master worksheets that can be modified for each individual organization

Day 6-7

Exursion Activities in Can Tho City 

Visti to Cai Rang floating market

Amazing Race activities to explore the city 

Cultural exchange activities with local English club

Days 8-12

Information Management Project

Training activities for local cooperative leaders on how to use the Excel worksheets to manage information effectively

Cultural Exchange activities with College of Rural Development students: Vietnamese classes, sport games, Vietnamese cooking classes, bonfire etc.


Day 13 Project Conclusion and Departure for Excursions

Program fees are $5,200. Virginia Tech tuition, fees, and other costs are noted below. A non-refundable deposit of $500, payable online, is due after acceptance into program, with the balance of program fees due October 10th. Application deadline is October 1st.

Cost Summary (estimated)
Pre-trip Personal Costs:  In-State   Out-of-State 
Passport  $               135.00  $               135.00
Pamplin billing:  $            5,200.00  $            5,200.00
Airfare  Included   Included 
Lodging   Included   Included 
Required group travel  Included   Included 
Medical Insurance  Included   Included 
VT tuition:  $            1,206.00  $            2,998.00
Funds required during program:  
Personal Expenses  $               500.00  $               500.00
Total Estimated Costs  $          7,041.00  $          8,833.00


Virginia Tech reserves the right to make cancellations, date and cost adjustments, and other necessary changes in the program. Prices may change due to global economic conditions.


Financial Aid and Scholarships

Your financial aid eligibility can apply to this program. You must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the University Financial Aid Office.

In addition, you must submit the study abroad cost documentation form to the Global Education Office at the International Affairs building, 526 Prices Fork Road, room 131.  The form can be found on the Global Education Financial Aid page.

Due to prepayment on items such as air and lodging, billing may not be in sync with financial aid payouts. Please be prepared to pay costs in advance, and be reimbursed with any payouts later.

Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis once all paperwork is completed. Go to the VT Global Education site for the program and complete the application process. The link can be reached here.  Click the “Apply Now” button and follow the instructions.


  • Open to all VT students!
  • Minimum GPA: 2.3

Non-business students and graduate business students are also welcome to participate, and will receive 3 credits. Preference will be given to Pamplin students who register prior to Sept. 1.

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