Funding Opportunities

Pamplin scholarship eligibility
Eligible for Pamplin Scholarships | Eligible for Pamplin Travel Grants | |
I am a Pamplin major | Yes | Yes |
I am a Non-Pamplin major, with the International Business minor | No | Yes |
I am neither | No | No |
Q. What is the difference between a Study Abroad Scholarship or Travel Grant?
- Pamplin awards more scholarships than travel grants by a significant amount. Scholarships are predominantly need-based, while travel grants can be merit or need-based.
Q. What should I do to be ready to apply for a Study Abroad Scholarship or Travel Grant?
- File a FAFSA! Applicants should file prior to Pamplin’s deadline, if eligible. Most of our scholarships are need-based as determined by the FAFSA.
- Update Hokie-Spa and major(s)/minor(s) information! Avoid becoming ineligible for a scholarship! Check all contact information, anticipated graduation date, and major(s)/minor(s) etc. Most scholarships have specific restrictions in the criteria that must be verified against the student record upon the final date of applications.
- Prepare a general resume.
- Be ready to write several short essays.
Q. Am I eligible to apply?
For our Study Abroad Scholarships –
- undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in a Pamplin College of Business major, or the International Business minor.
- interested or enrolled in a Pamplin-sponsored study abroad/International internship traveling during the upcoming academic year.
- eligible applicants must have documented financial need as determined by the results of the FAFSA.
*There are a limited number of merit-based scholarships.
For our Study Abroad Travel Grants (limited quantity of these)-
- interested or enrolled in a Pamplin-sponsored study abroad/International internship traveling during the upcoming academic year
- undergraduate students who are currently enrolled in a Pamplin College of Business major, or the International Business minor.
Q. I was accepted to a Pamplin-sponsored program traveling this summer. Am I eligible for a scholarship?
- It will depend on which academic year your award was granted. Academic years begin in the fall and end with the summer sessions. So if you were awarded for AY 2021-2022, your award would be good from Fall 2021 through summer 2022.
Q. If I already have a FAFSA on file for the current school year, do I need to submit another one?
- Maybe. If you are applying for a future year, make sure your travel dates fall within the correct Academic Year (Fall thru Summer two sessions.)
Q. If I know that I will not have financial “need”, can I still apply for a scholarship?
- Most scholarships will only be awarded to those students who have a documented need, as per the results of the upcoming year FAFSA. You may use the FAFSA 4Caster to get a general estimate of your eligibility. However, there is a small number of merit-based scholarships (Less than 10%).
- If you are attending a Pamplin Faculty-Led/International internship, you may be eligible for a travel grant.
Q. How do I apply for a FAFSA?
Go to the Financial Aid and Scholarships website for general information, helpful hints, FAFSA4caster, frequently asked questions, and a link to apply for the FAFSA online.
Q. If I receive a Study Abroad Scholarship and my need status changes, will I still be eligible to receive the scholarship?
Some college scholarships have to be reduced or cancelled after being awarded for an academic year, due to a student being out of “need-based funding” or over the established costs of attendance for an academic year. All recipients will be encouraged to monitor HOKIE SPA, Virginia Tech e-mail, and stay in close contact with a financial aid counselor to be aware of possible changes.
Q. I am an International student, can I still apply for scholarships since I cannot file a FAFSA?
- For Study Abroad Scholarships -Click here to see for more information.
- For Travel Grants – yes if you are a Pamplin major OR an International Business minor.
Q. I filed my FAFSA and updated all of my information, how do I apply for a Study Abroad Scholarship or Travel Grant?
Go to the Scholarship and Financial Aid website to apply online. (No paper applications will be accepted).
Q. Will I need to include an essay?
No pre-written essays are required. However, within the application, you will be asked 3 essay questions. You may complete these at any time prior to the application deadline, along with uploading your resume. These are required for your application
Study abroad can increase the cost of your education. The financial aid system recognizes this and might provide additional financial aid. Even if you do not qualify for financial aid in Blacksburg, you might qualify when the additional costs of a study abroad program are added to your budget.
There are a limited number of scholarships available. Some are from Virginia Tech and the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC.) Others are provided by other organizations. The University’s Global Education website has a link to Scholarships and Financial Aid. Go there and complete the forms you need.
The VT Financial Aid office is available to help with your questions.
- – Financial aid and scholarship links.
- Fund for Education Abroad – Provides information and links to a variety of scholarships.
- The College Board – Directory of over 6 billion in scholarships and other aid opportunities.
- Davis-Putter Scholarship – provides grants to students actively working for peace and justice.
- Explorers Club Exploration Fund Grants – Provides grants in support of exploration and field research for those who are just beginning their research careers.
- Fast Web – This service provides a free customized list of financial aid sources including private sector scholarships, fellowships, grants, and loans.
- The Financial Aid Page – Provides links to scholarship searches and a comprehensive list of financial aid information.
- Fulbright – The Fulbright Program funds ventures that aim to increase mutual understanding between the peoples of the United States and other countries, through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills. Available to recent graduates, post-graduate candidates, and developing professionals.
- Clara Carter Higgins Scholarship – These scholarships encourage young men and women who are interested in ecology and offer an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience beyond the regular course of study.
- Institute for Humane Studies Fellowships – Awarded to students to help them take advantage of opportunities that can enhance their abilities and credentials to pursue careers that involve the communication of ideas.
- National Society of High School Scholars Foundation – The NSHSS Foundation provides STEM scholarships for underrepresented groups in order to help reduce financial barriers for those with academic and leadership potential and the desire to pursue STEM careers.
- Sara’s Wish Scholarship Fund – Awarded to young women committed to making the world a better place by fully participating in it.
- The Student Guide – The U.S. Department of Education publishes a guide on the eligibility requirements on various federal aid programs.
- Student Loans Network – Loans that require enrollment verification but not school certification.
- Association of American Indian Affairs – Scholarship programs for Native Americans.
- African American Scholarships – Directory of scholarships and internship opportunities.
- Hispanic Scholarship Search – Scholarship directory for Hispanic students.
- The National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME) – Scholarship program for those students who are part of an under-represented minority and enrolled in an engineering program at a NACME partner university.
- The National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship Program – The National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship Program is the only national scholarship program targeted at Hispanic students who are committed to careers in health care and enrolled full-time in dental, medical, nursing, public health, and policy schools.
- Scholarships for LGBTQ students -’s 12 scholarship recommendations for LGBTQ students
- Boren Awards for International Study – Boren Scholarships allow U.S. undergraduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests but underrepresented in study abroad.
- CIEE Study abroad scholarships – Provides list of both need based and merit based scholarships for students studying through CIEE
- BUTEX North American Scholarships – Open to students participating in a semester or academic year study abroad program in England.
- Association of American Study Abroad Programmes – Scholarships for U.S. students studying abroad in the U.K. through API.
- Education New Zealand Scholarship Directory – This great search engine offers many scholarship opportunities for studying abroad in New Zealand!
- Fund for Education Abroad - FEA envisions a future in which any U.S. student who dreams of studying abroad will be able to participate.
- Hostelling International “Explore the World” Travel Scholarship – This is a particularly good option for participants on API’s teach, work, and volunteer programs!
- Lord Acton Memorial Scholarship – Provides a deserving study abroad student with financial support to pursue academic study in the U.K.
- Maynooth University Summer Scholarships – Maynooth University is offering summer school students the opportunity to win awards up to 500 Euros to help cover a portion of their expenses. Contact the API office for more information.
- VolunteerWorld – The Get Involved Scholarship from VolunteerWorld offers $2,000 for volunteers (18+) to join a volunteer program abroad for a minimum duration of 4 weeks.
- Mobility International – Financial aid for international exchange with disabilities.
- Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships – Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
- - The 1800wheelchair scholarship awards two $500 scholarships each year. Scholarships are awarded to those attending a U.S. based institution. All applications are welcome.
- American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) Scholarship Program - Applicant must be enrolled full time in an undergraduate or graduate school, and have a documented disability. Applicant must be a US citizen or legal resident living in the US and enrolled in an accredited US University. Preference will be given to students majoring in public health, disability studies, disability research, health promotion or a field related to disability and health.
- Golden Key Study Abroad Scholarships: Sponsored by Golden Key International Honor Society
- National Security Education Program – Open to most majors; intended to promote awareness, safety, and service.
- Phi Kappa Phi Society Study Abroad Grants: Open to Phi Kappa Phi members as well as non‐members in all fields of study.
- Resources for Veteran Students
- FundMyTravel – Create your own travel campaign to raise funds for your trip.
- Fundly – An online fundraising platform.
- – Create your own personal fundraising website.
- – Crowdfunding platform.
- – An online social fundraising platform.