International Business Minor

The International Business Minor was designed for all Virginia Tech students who wish to learn how to conduct business in an international setting. This minor is open to students with a GPA of at least 2.0. Non-Pamplin students who wish to earn the minor must go on a Pamplin study abroad program or international internship. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of business, cultural, and global perspectives. The international business minor provides students with a rigorous foundation for success in today’s global business environment.*
*Please note that for this minor, students require a Virginia Tech GPA. Students in their first semester must wait until final grades post before applying for a minor.
- Required Culture Course – (3 credits) 1 course chosen from the Required Culture Course list. (*A culture course taken abroad can also be used. Please submit your culture course to the international programs office for review)
- AFST 1814 Introduction to African Studies (PW2, PW3)
- ARBC 2774 Arab Culture and Civilization (PW2, PW3)
- CHN 2734 Chinese Culture and Civilization (PW2)
- FR 2714 Introduction to French Culture and Civilization (PW2, PW3)
- GER 2724 Introduction to German Civilization and Culture (PW2, PW3)
- GER 3474 Topics in German Cinema (PW2, PW 6a)
- ITAL 3474 Topics in Italian Film (PW1a, PW2)
- RUS 2734 Introduction to Russian Civilization and Culture (PW2)
- RLCL 1904 Religion and Culture in Asia (PW2)
- SPAN 2744 Topics in Spanish Culture (PW2)
- SPAN 2754 Topics in Spanish American Culture (PW2)
- SPAN 2764 Introduction to Latino American Studies (PW2, PW3)
- SPAN 2774 Minority Languages in the Spanish-Speaking Context (PW2, PW3)
- Required Courses - (9 credits) 3 of the following courses must be completed ( *Junior Standing required)
- BIT 4474 Global Operations and Information Technology
Prerequisite: BIT 3414 - FIN 4144 International Financial Management
Prerequisite: FIN 3104 - HTM 4484 International Tourism
Prerequisite: MKTG 3104* - MGT 4314 International Management*
- MKTG 4704 International Marketing
Prerequisite: MKTG 3104*
- BIT 4474 Global Operations and Information Technology
- Elective Courses - (6 credits ) 2 courses from the choices below. Students may take electives from the following:
- Any courses from the list of Other Required Elective Courses on the checksheet. Please download the correct checksheet for your graduation year to view the entire list.
- Any courses from the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures (May not be one that is already used to fulfil section 1)
- Any Pamplin College of Business Study Abroad course (ACIS 3954, BIT 3954, BUS 3954, FIN 3954, HTM 3954, MGT 3954, or MKTG 3954). No more than three (3) credits of “Study Abroad” credit may be used to satisfy the minor elective course requirement.
- Foreign Language Requirement
The foreign language requirement can be fulfilled by passing at least four years of one high school foreign language, OR passing three years of one high school foreign language plus two years of a different high school foreign language, OR passing three years of one high school foreign language plus one year of a different university-level foreign language, OR two years of a single university-level foreign language. (e.g. FR 2106,), OR review and approval of waiver provided by Robin Lucas in the Office of the University Registrar.
- International Experience Requirement
The required international experience must take the form of recent college-level international study abroad, research abroad, international internships or co-op, recent international residency, some university international service-learning programs, or employment including international travel and responsibilities. Experiences must be approved by Pamplin International Programs. All Pamplin Study Abroad programs are pre-approved.
Students can apply for the minor by using the Pamplin minor e-form found here
Downloadable PDFS of the International business minor checksheet
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Ellie Walters
Pamplin 3002
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