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COVID-19 and International Learning

Dear Pamplin Students,

The university has made the difficult decision to cancel fall outbound programs. The health and safety of our students was a key factor in the decision, as well as uncertainty with COVID-19, many countries borders still being closed, and difficulty obtaining visas. The university wanted to make the decision early enough to allow students to make new plans for attending VT in the fall. Please work with your academic advisors to register for classes in the fall. Take note that the majority of classes will be online, although there will be some in-person classes and campus activities.

We know that those of you who had planned to go abroad this fall are very disappointed by this decision. We hope that you will have an opportunity to go on another one of the international programs later in the year. At this time our winter, spring and summer programs are scheduled to go. The university will continue to watch the ever-evolving situation with the pandemic to guide future decisions on international travel. Our goal is always the health and safety of our students first.  

We look forward to helping you plan a study abroad opportunity for later this academic year or 2021-2022. We have many options, such as semester exchanges with or without internships, faculty-led winter, spring, and summer programs, or summer internships just to name a few! We have funding available to assist you in going abroad - we will have another round of scholarships and travel grants starting in August, so plan ahead!

All Pamplin International Programs help you to become a better global citizen. Remember that being a global citizen is not limited to the number of countries you visit or languages you speak. It is also learning and engaging with values and cultures of people from around the globe. We will continue to have international engagement opportunities throughout the fall semester, in-person (when possible) and virtually. Look for details in future Passport newsletters.

Remember that it is important that you continue to learn how to be a truly global citizen. We are here to help! Schedule a virtual appointment to learn about available options that align with your program of study by emailing look forward to serving your global needs!

The Pamplin International Programs Team